
These examples assumes that you have already downloaded and installed bitpy.

Getting a repository

First you need to create a new bitpy client. To do this bitpy requires your Bitbucket username and password.

import bitpy

client = bitpy.Client(<username>, <password>)

Once you’ve got a client you can use that to retrive repositories. The example below will get the bitpy repository.

import bitpy

client = bitpy.Client(<username>, <password>)

bitpy_repository = client.get_repository(name='bitpy', account='caalle')

Manage pull requests

When you’ve retrived a repository you can both list and create pull requests. To list all open pull requests for the repository do something like:

import bitpy

client = bitpy.Client(<username>, <password>)

bitpy_repository = client.get_repository(name='bitpy', account='caalle')

for pull_request in bitpy_repository.list_pull_requests():

To approve and merge a specific pull request pass in the id as argument.

import bitpy

client = bitpy.Client(<username>, <password>)

bitpy_repository = client.get_repository(name='bitpy', account='caalle')

pull_request = bitpy_repository.get_pull_request(pull_request_id=123)


You can also create new pull requests by using the create_pull_request method.

import bitpy

client = bitpy.Client(<username>, <password>)

bitpy_repository = client.get_repository(name='bitpy', account='caalle')

pull_request = bitpy_repository.create_pull_request(
    title='A title of the pull request',
    description='''Longer description that might include *markdown*''',
    source_branch='feature/branch', target_branch='master'

print(pull_request.get_link()) # Output http link to pull request.

Teams and Members

When creating pull requests you might want to add people as reviewers. Let’s create a pull request and add the user ‘caalle’ as reviewer.

import bitpy

client = bitpy.Client(<username>, <password>)

member = client.get_member('caalle')

bitpy_repository = client.get_repository(name='bitpy', account='caalle')

pull_request = bitpy_repository.create_pull_request(
    title='Pull request that needs to be reviewed.',
    description='''Longer description that might include *markdown*''',
    source_branch='feature/branch', target_branch='master',


In a real world scenario the user who creates the pull request cannot be added as a reviewer.

If you have a team on Bitbucket and want to use it when assigning to pull requests you can do something like this:

import random
import bitpy

client = bitpy.Client(<username>, <password>)

team = client.get_team('my_bitbucket_team')
team_members = team.get_members()

reviewer = [random.choice(team_members)]

bitpy_repository = client.get_repository(name='bitpy', account='caalle')

pull_request = bitpy_repository.create_pull_request(
    title='Pull request with random reviewer.',
    description='''Longer description that might include *markdown*''',
    source_branch='feature/branch', target_branch='master',

This will assign a random user from the team as reviewer for my newly created pull request.